Sunday, October 31, 2010

trick or treat!

We started out with a nice homemade veggie soup made by Megs.
And some bread and salad provided by moi.

We tricked.
We treated.

We ran out of candy an hour into the evening.
And we bought 15 big bags and only gave out one at a time.
Our neighborhood is insane at Halloween.
We get hundreds of people.

We all confessed to the "phantom drop" at some point in the evening.
"What is the phantom drop?" you ask.
The phantom drop is when you put a piece of candy in the bag, tap the side of the bag, and then pull the candy back out.  You don't really drop it in.
Sneaky I know.
But I am not sorry. 
If you are full grown and not in costume, I am not giving you candy. 
Go buy your own damn candy.

We sipped beers while handing out candy
and lit a fire in the fire pit.
It was chilly out.
We were nice and toasty.

We sorted candy.
We liked what we saw.
Lots of chocolate and not a lot of the wussy candy.
Like tootsie rolls and smarties.
Nope, hardly any of those.

We had a fantastic night!

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