Thursday, October 23, 2008


Yesterday Ellie was officially 2 1/2. I have decided to celebrate her half birthdays every year. Why not? October is my favorite month anyway. Why not have a little party?? So to celebrate we painted...
Then we played and played and played in our pajamas all day, and for dinner I made potato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches...
Then we had cake! (However, i think this cake could make the Cake Wrecks Blog, I think the smiley man looks a little drunk, but I guess that's what you get for a $3.50 Walmartz cake.)
Notice she is still in her jammies. Seriously, in them ALL DAY.
Happy half birthday sweet girl.


C. Beth said...

Oh, please, please, please, Tia, send it to Cake Wrecks! The smiley face is hilarious! (The rest of the cake looks good, though!)

We've been reading a library book called "Oscar's Half Birthday." It's really cute, about a 6 month old baby boy who has a birthday party. Adorable book, and since there's an older sis in the book it's good for our little toddler girls too.

Great idea, celebrating. Happy half birthday, Ellie!

Molly said...

awww...that is so sweet! We celebrate half birthdays too and my friends think I'm crazy! Mostly its because both of the girls have summer birthdays so we use their half birthdays so they can have a party at school. The soup looks DELICIOUS!!!!!

Special K said...

So cute! Love the jammie days. My daughter lives for pajamas. My son used to obsess over his froggie slippers and we had many a fight over wearing them to the store. We did however let him wear them to his birthday party:)