Saturday, December 11, 2010

why you want to be my friend

To say we baked yesterday is like saying the sea is a pond.
or Outlander is just a book.
or Starbucks is just coffee.

I mean, we freaking baked people.

I even had a little "helper."
Who "helped" way longer than I thought she would.
She rolled nearly all 6 dozen of the snickerdoodles.
And rocked my mom's vintage apron in the process.
Here she is cracking her own self up with her version of the snickerdoodle.
Mama!  It's a snickernoodle!
She's funny, this one.
I was seriously in the kitchen from 9 in the am til 5 in the pm.
It's like I was working a full time job.
A full time, eat a cookie every 10 minutes and gain 5 pounds, full time job.

But it was worth it.
Look at the goodness.
I didn't even get pictures of the gingerbread. 
I was pretty over the whole thing by then.

But this is why you want to be my friend.
I have a whole box with no one to give them too.

Might as well be you!
You have until tomorrow night (Sunday!) at 8 to leave a comment.
Winner gets the cookies.


shelley c. said...

WOW. I love that first picture - she looks so serious (yet totally amused with herself), and the snickernoodle is hysterical. She is such a character. That is a LOT of cookies and a LONG time in the kitchen!!

C. Beth said...


Do I get extra credit for remembering those are your favorite spritz cookies? :) I even made them last year after you posted the recipe!

C. Beth (a.k.a. Teacher's Pet)

Shannon said...

Crap! I missed the deadline! You make the BEST snickerdoodles!