Saturday, February 4, 2012

It's early morning.


One of us has just had surgery.
Another of us woke up with a 104 fever and the sicks.
And the last of us has a long day ahead of her.

Can you guess which is which?

Today I see:

lots of cinnamon toast
and coffee

lots of reminders that the sleepover that was missed will be rescheduled

a trip to the store cause we are completely (and I mean completely) out of toilet paper and kitty food

movies on the couch

 lots of pain meds


laundry, lots of laundry

forehead feeling

temperature taking

book reading

nap taking

and more coffee

Happy Saturday to us.


shelley c. said...

Aaawww, I hope the patients feel better super soon and that the nurse then gets a RELAXING day off!!

C. Beth said...

Aww. :( You're really earning your big mommy/wife salary this weekend. :) Hang in there!!

Sancho's said...

awww lovely. i like how you write.