Tuesday, March 15, 2011

ellie's new bed

Girlfriend got herself a new place to sleep.
She is digging it.

We live in an older home.
And while I love the built ins and such...
there isn't a ton of room.

So we thunked outside the box and got Ellie a little junior loft bed.
Meaning, it isn't as high as a traditional loft.
This little space under here is for reading and hiding from T.Rex's.
For hanging artwork and telling secrets.
She is like a teeny tiny college freshman with her new digs.
We are very pleased with our new purchase.

Couldn't resist this one.
This cat.
He has just burrowed right into my soul.
Happy Tuesday!


Unknown said...

Hi, I don't think I have left you a comment before. Sorry about that, I tend to lurk more than I would like. I love the mini loft so much I had to comment...it is a great idea for a younger kid. We have really low ceilings and I think this would be a great idea for my son so he has a little more room to play. Thank you for sharing and for a great idea!

Toni said...

This is the cutest room!

Cute Kitty too! :)

C. Beth said...

Oh my goodness, that little loft bed is SO adorable!!!