Friday, September 3, 2010


Today I am thankful for:

3 day weekends
an empty laundry basket
flowers on my dining room table
TJ's blueberry soda
being able to run even though I mostly hate it

a girl who woke up on the wrong side of the bed
 with messy pig tails
and mismatched jammies

a disappearing pimple (finally!)
upcoming plans
being me
sheets fresh from the dryer
cartoons that keep a girl busy for 30 minutes
meeting friends for lunch
playing memory
learning new things

new jeans that fit just right
and 4 new tops to go with them
all on sale!

a husband who understands
a mama's need to be left alone
if even for an hour

pandora radio
chicory coffee
with peanut butter toast
and blog reading

big decisions being made
and settling into what isn't so bad after all

today I am thankful for it all
cause it's all good
even the yucky everyday hassles
that tend to bog me down

cause this is it
there is no do-over
no turning back
no rewind button

today I am thankful for remembering that

1 comment:

C. Beth said...

Hooray for jeans that fit just right and mommy alone time...and all the other stuff. :)