Wednesday, February 16, 2011

kitty love

 I have fallen head over heels for this boy.
 It's serious.
I am quickly turning into one of those women who talks about her cat.
And shows people pictures of him on her phone.
I know, right?
Not good.

When we got Hoosier, I loved her.
But she isn't a havetobewithyou kind of girl.
She is much more happy curled up on the couch you are not on.
And only occasionally will she grace you with a lap sit.
And then you feel smothered.
Because she is enormous.

But this boy.
Oh. This boy.

He is lovable and trouble all rolled into one.
His favorite things to do are investigate the dishwasher and refridgerator.
I accidently closed him in the fridge the other night.
Thank goodness I was cooking dinner and was in and out of the fridge.
Imagine my surprise, when I went for milk, and out popped a cat.

But no matter how riled up and naughty he is being, the minute you pick him up and tuck him in your arms, he calms down and settles in.


He is happiest sleeping on you.
And purrs like a motor boat.
He licks your face.
And is a cheese thief.
He is very tolerant of 4 year olds.
And finds the coziest spots to nap.
He got neutered and declawed last week and it wasn't pretty.
Not pretty at all.
Poor little thing didn't tolerate the pain meds well.
And was high as a kite for days.
He couldn't even sit upright for 48 hours.
I was convinced I had forever damaged him.
But he is almost back to normal now.
He has a slight head tilt that wasn't there before.
I think it's cute.
He is a perfect little addition to our family.
And I am smitten.


C. Beth said...

Now that's the type of post that makes me actually want a cat.

Let me rephrase: That's the type of post that makes me want to not be allergic to cats so that I could get a cat like that. :)

Our life in pictures said...

He is losing his kitty face...and I'm right with you. Need "kitty love" every day....

shelley c. said...

Love that picture of him napping in the blankets. And I had to laugh about closing him in the fridge!! He really is a cute kitty!!