Saturday, June 26, 2010

what is summer?


We love you.

Like, for real, love you.

Because to us, you represent:

lighting bugs

the smell of sunscreen on sleepy little girls

hiking trails

the emergence of freckles on 4 year old skin

petunias and impations

bathing suits and towels drying in the backyard

exploring different playgrounds

tremendous thunderstorms

playing outside until 9:45pm

ice cream with friends

beers on the front steps after Ellie is in bed

the realization that I can still hit the golf ball a long way, but that my short game needs a little (ok, A LOT) of work

eating outside

fairs and fireworks

hanging out a little longer on the deck


dirty feet

open windows with fluttery curtains


farmers markets

leisurly breakfasts with just one more cup of coffee

cute dresses

flip flop tan lines

messy popsicles

talking with neighbors over back fences

container gardens with fresh tomatoes and squash

cheap fruit (hello $1 blueberries!)

So You Think You Can Dance

and swimming all day at a newly discovered swimmin' hole.

Please hang around awhile. You can never wear out your welcome.


Lisa Lach said...

Not the thunderstorms!! Well...sometimes they are ok, but not when they take out the power on a day that is in the 90's with terrible humidity! Then I can do without thunderstorms!

C. Beth said...

Great post! I think I need to make an effort to enjoy summer more!

forever folding laundry said...

Great list!
Looks like you are squeezing all you can out of summer.
And I wish we had lightning bugs. :)


Shannon said...

I couldn't agree with Beth more! Summer is going by WAY too fast... I need to stop and enjoy all it has to offer :o)

Have a good week! Hope E is feeling better!