Tuesday, July 17, 2012

catch up

Please excuse me.

I am adjusting.

I only work until 1, but I am amazed at what I have trouble getting done these days.
It seems like I come home, play with Ellie, and then it is dark.

It is all I can do to keep the house tidy, feed us, and keep up with the laundry.
Chris helps a lot.
Blogging has taken a backseat.

That's bad.

So here is a little catch up post.

We had visitors!

No one ever comes to visit us.

Lori and Dawn came a few weekends ago.
We just love them to pieces.
We hiked and ate good food and explored the city and played lots of euchre.
They had fun.
Or so they said.

So come visit us!
We will show you a good time.

We haven't sat down for even one second it seems.
Ellie is adjusting to her babysitter ok.
But she is mad at me.
She doesn't even know it, but she is.
She is a little crabby and moody.
Like I said, we are all adjusting.
 Look at that cat.
He snagged that strawberry 2.4 seconds after this pic was taken...
 We did manage to have some down time in the woods on Sunday.
The woods make me feel better.
As does making out with my husband.

So bear with me.
As I try and figure out this whole part time work stuff.
You mom's who work full time...


C. Beth said...

I want to come visit! :)

forever folding laundry said...

Kudos to YOU for being a working mama.
I have often said I don't know how it's done.
My family would never have a home-cooked meal again.
But I know you'll rock it once you
get your groove on.
Congrats on the job...it sounds awesome!


Shannon said...

You're awesome! That last pic is beautiful!