Wednesday, April 4, 2012


We have been playing catch-up from the plague of 2012.
Lots of laundry and grocery store going and such.

I have been busy planning for a little somone's 6th birthday.
I am throwing a tea party for her and 5 friends for under $75.
It helps when you serve peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, serve homemade cupcakes, and the activities planned are a scavenger hunt and a dance party.

I am grumpy. 

We have been dyeing Easter eggs and I am afeared that my fingers may be permantly stained.

I have found a church I really like.  And Ellie likes it.  And they allow coffee in the sanctuary during the service.  And they give you a Bible when you walk in.  And we are going again on Saturday night for Easter services.

I have noticed that our backyard must be the secret path for all the stray cats in the neighborhood.  I have seen 6 different cats in the last 3 days.  One big old orange tom drive Atticus bananas.

I have plans to make these.
(From Lisa Leonard)
I am going to send them in to Ellie's class tomorrow, so I don't eat them all...

Ellie got her hair cut.
She looked all professional in the chair.
We bought a big round brush so we can try and recreate the straightening whilst drying technique.

The aforementioned kid and I have been on the outs.  Wowza.
Lots of parenting happening all up in these parts.
I drop her off at school every morning wishing our morning had gone better.
That makes me sad.

I am at an impasse on working out.
The sickness got me all unmotivated.
Must. Get. Motivated.
Luckily, my appetite hasn't been all that great.
So that helps.

We have lots to look forward to.
Parties, and get-togethers, and fun summer plans.
Life is good.

1 comment:

C. Beth said...

I just bought the ingredients to make the cute little nests yesterday! Also saw them on LL's blog.... :)

The church sounds great.

I am not a fan of the difficult parenting phases.... But you know you're not alone! After the morning we had at church on Sunday with both kids, I might want to come try out your church (if it was closer) just to avoid showing my face in my own church again...ha ha.