Tuesday, September 16, 2008

raindrops on roses

Today is my mother's birthday. She LOVED her birthday and really expected a "birth month." She would have been 68 today. In years past on her birthday I would go out and buy myself something extravagant as "her present". One year I got a really, really nice soft comfy sweater. I love that sweater and wear it all the time but every time I put it on I am sad and it makes me miss her more, so I dropped that tradition.

When the dog bites, when the bee stings, when it's your mothers birthday, you simply remember your favorite things and then you don't feel so crappy (please hum the melody as you read that!!)

So today I am thinking of:

the first sip of coffee in the morning
a cool breeze through an open window
jeans that fit just right
new pajamas
cherry Coke
milk Duds
getting a card in the mail for no reason at all
a glass of wine
when chris kisses me after he shaves
organized cabinets and drawers
clothes shopping for ellie
clean sheets
pretty bowls
Thanksgiving dinner
rainy Sundays on the couch watching football

Happy Birthday Mom! I miss you.


C. Beth said...

What a beautiful post. Hope you are able to enjoy your mom's birthday today as you remember her.

I love great-fitting jeans too.

Molly said...

That is so sweet! Happy Birthday Liz!!!!!

Mommy Vern said...

A beautiful post indeed.

Anonymous said...

That touched me. There's nobody like Mom.