Monday, August 23, 2010


We had a good one! We started it all off with Ellies first fall soccer game, where, I am proud to say, she has improved greatly over the summer.

Then we lunched at a little joint downtown that is like Chipolte, only fresher and better.

Then we listened to some music, got matching t-shirts and new earrings and people watched.

Then we picked out a cookie

at the west side market

and ate it on the street.

We happened across a turtle, so we gave him a pet,

did a little gardening

and hiked. Cause whats a weekend without a little hiking?

On our hike, we saw real live deer in the woods,

and hung from a branch.

We also played some video games,

jumped really, REALLY, high,

and had some popcorn.

We are exhausted!

We also had a family movie night and watched The Neverending Story. Ellie is just like her mama and loved it. Man. I still love that movie.

Also, I ran my first ever 10 miles. In a row. All at once. Yea me!

Maybe that is why I am exhausted...

1 comment:

C. Beth said...

Just saw this...10 miles...YAY YOU! When is your half?