Wednesday, September 30, 2009

a serious problem

Hi. My name is Tia and I am addicted to orange tic tacs.

I am like Paulie Bleeker in Juno. Seriously.

I am not even sure how it happened. One day, I was minding my own business in line at Target, saw the little orange 1 calorie breath mints and thought to myself "self, you have never had orange tic tacs. Let's try some."

It has been downhill from there. I am on my 4th or 5th pack. It's bad.

Apparently, mixing the orange with the lime is sublime (pun intended). However, I can't find the lime. I am on a mission!

Megs, if you see some, buy them STAT!

Until then, I will make do with the little orange beauties. Matter of fact, must go have one now. Or two or three....

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

girls day out

We had a little girls day out yesterday. It was lovely. We played at the park (in gale force winds), ate Joey's pizza, had cupcakes and petite fours, and did a little shopping. A good day indeed.

Thanks for a great day Julie and other Ellie and baby Sadie!

Love these little birdies!

Don't you just love stores like this??

Really wanted one of these little angels.

Dancing girls.

I swear she was hugging her and not taking her down!

Friday, September 25, 2009

edward candycorn

Ellie got a new friend today and has already taken him for a bike ride...

and a shoulder ride.

What a good friend she is!

I love this girl.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

big news


I thought I was going to have great news. Really great news.

Unfortunatly I do not.

If you have been reading you know my house is for sale.

A few weeks ago, we got an offer!

Then we found the house of our dreams and they accepted our offer!

Things were "moving" right along (excuse the pun).

The home inspection passed.

I started decorating my new house in my mind.

Then our house was appraised (due to an FHA loan).

That's where everything fell apart.

Our house didn't appraise high enough, so our buyers weren't approved for their loan.

They are sad.

We are sad. And mad.

One person's subjective opinion ruined everything.

We tried and tried to come up with a way to make it work.

It was just too much money to lose to sell at the appraised price.

It's not like we are selling a million dollar home. Not even remotely close.

How do they expect the economy to get better if they don't help honest people buy a house they can afford?

So, we gave up our dream house and are back to square one.

Back to a perfectly clean house and showings and crap.


Heartbreaking, but the right thing to do.

Now I am unpacking the 30 boxes I had packed.


Wanna be me?

Didn't think so.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

johnny appleseed festival

We went to a neat little festival today. We had never been and needed something fun to do so we hopped in the car and skedaddled on over. Here are some pics from the day.

Oh! And I discovered that I am in love with Kettle Corn. How have I not known this until now??

Saturday, September 19, 2009


We have started and Ellie loves it! I knew she would and wasn't worried even for a second about leaving her.

Of course, since she has been home with me since birth, and thus, not exposed to a lot of germies, we have already caught a cold and barfed in the carseat. Have you ever cleaned barf out of a carseat? Especially the velcro straps? It is not fun. Let me assure you of that.

On a brighter note. She is doing great. I am doing great. Chris is doing great. All is well.

Big news to come soon. For real this time. I promise!

Monday, September 14, 2009

go colts!

Are you ready for some football? We are! We love the Colts! We have Directv, just so we can get the NFL Sunday Ticket, just so we can watch the Colts. So, for the next 15 weeks (plus playoffs and the superbowl of course) our Sundays are dedicated to football.
Touchdown! And as for the hat? I have no idea.

Ellie took this. Not half bad!

This family cuddles during football!

Oh. And we are off to a 1-0 start of course.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

reason number 4,506 why I love my husband

Ellie asked him to wear her strawberry hat to the park (in 75 degree heat) and he did it. Such a good daddy.

Monday, September 7, 2009

my apologies

We have been incredibly busy around here and are hopefully about to get busier (and no, again, I am not pregnant!) so blog posts might be sporadic for awhile. I will be more forthcoming when I can. I promise.

Happy Labor Day!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

tough questions

Man! We are getting some tough questions around here lately.

"Why does Daddy go in a different bathroom?"
-----Girls and boys are built differently...etc.
"Why is that little girl in a chair with wheels?"
-----Sometimes little girls and boys are in chairs. Everyone is different...etc

But the hardest one of all so far?

Ellie: Where is your mommy, Mommy?
Me: Well, honey, my mommy died.
Ellie: What is died?
Me: When you die, you go up to heaven, and people here on earth don't see you anymore, but you are very happy and loved in heaven and can watch over the people you love here on earth.
Ellie: Do you miss your mommy?
Me: Oh yes. I miss her everyday.
Ellie: Good thing I am here to make you better, huh.
Me: It's a very good thing you are here baby. You make me much better.
Ellie: (thinking for a minute) How do you die?
Me: (wondering if this conversation is ever going to end) Well, you can die from getting really old, or you can die from an accident, or you can die from getting really, really, really sick.
Ellie: (looking terrified) Am I going to die mommy?
Me: Of course not honey! You are going to live for a lonnnnnnnggggg time.
Ellie: Are you going to die Mommy?
Me: Oh honey. Not for a lonnnnngggggg time. Let's go play babies.
Ellie: Ok mom. Mommy?
Me: yeah baby?
Ellie: I am sorry you miss your mommy.
Me: (trying not to cry) Thanks lovey.

See! Everyday gets a new question. I hope I am answering them ok. I don't want to lie, but I don't want to scare her either. She is keeping me on my toes!

How do you answer questions like these?